Calgon Carbon Corp

Calgon Carbon Corp

Location: Pearlington, Mississippi
Industry: Power Generation Plant

Process Improvements

Calgon Carbon, a leader in air and water purification, expanded their Pearlington, Mississippi plant. The aim: to boost the production of virgin granular activated carbon by 50 million pounds per year. With the assistance of O’Neal Engineering and Incorp Industries, this project saw the installation of 25,000 LF of piping, 500 LF of large ducts, fans, dust collectors, and more, all without a single safety incident.


Calgon Carbon, a leader in air and water purification, expanded their Pearlington, Mississippi plant to boost the production of virgin granular activated carbon. Calgon Carbon’s goal was clear: increase their Pearlington plant’s production capacity by an extra 50 million pounds per year, consolidating their industry leadership. Incorp helped Calgon accomplish this goal by providing comprehensive scaffolding and insulation solutions for the piping and equipment for the new addition to the plant by 50 million pounds per year. With the assistance of O’Neal Engineering and Incorp Industries, this project saw the installation of 25,000 LF of piping, 500 LF of large ducts, fans, dust collectors, and more, all without a single safety incident.


Incorp’s role involved detailed planning, erecting scaffolding, and insulating the new plant addition. The use of superior thermal insulation materials such as perlite and mineral wool, valves, and flanges with removable insulation blankets boosted energy efficiency and safety.

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The partnership between Incorp, O'Neal, and Calgon Carbon led to a successful project, executed within budget and timeframe. An extra 50 million pounds were added to the facility's annual production capacity, totaling 200 million pounds. This increased capacity allowed Calgon Carbon to meet rising product demand and provide clean air and water solutions on a larger scale. Furthermore, the project created 38 new jobs, strengthening the local economy and showcasing Mississippi's skilled workforce. The Pearlington plant expansion serves as an example of operational enhancement contributing positively to society.

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